This is one meal the kids and I seem to be able to eat again and again. Which is a lucky thing given it’s so easy to make, and versatile. The dough will also freeze well, and essentially you can pretty much thrown anything on top – a fair bit of cheese will help! – and it’ll taste great.
300g Strong white flour
7g sachet dried yeast (1 teaspoon)
1 teaspoon salt
180ml lukewarm water
1.5 tbsp oil
25g butter
1 large leek or a few small
2 handfuls of grated parmesan and mozzarella
Heavy dose of dried or fresh herbs (oregano, parsely, basil…any will do!)
Mix the flour, yeast and salt in a bowl. Stir in the water and oil and turn onto a lightly floured surface. Knead for 10 minutes until the dough is smooth. Place in a lightly oiled bowl, cover, and keep in a warm place until doubled in size.

Heat the butter and gently fry off the leeks until soft. Season. Combine the cheeses and herbs.
Divide the risen dough into circles using the bottom of a bowl. Scatter the cheese mix and leeks. Slide onto a reusable baking mat and bake for 8ish minutes, or until golden brown. Enjoy! Best served with a fresh salad.

Have a go and let me know how you get on!
Emma xxx
P.S Outrageously easy vegan lasagne and Totally delicious and simple falafel
Yummo! We just had cheesey pizzas cos you know fussy kids! but the base is so simple and yum 🙂
Hello Emma,
How much flour do you need for this recipe?
And btw, i love your website! I get so much inspiration out of it!
Hugs from the netherlands!