I don’t like shopping and spending my money – there I said it! It’s not because I’m stingy, it’s just that often times there’s such a sense of unknown behind a high street or online shop, that sometimes it all just feels a little overwhelming and I’d rather buy nothing, provide for myself or make something for someone if I am after a gift. Shops are increasingly being held to account , but I still find it hard to really trust where I spend my money…
So when I found out about CoGo, a free app that finds local and sustainable businesses that – and here’s the cool part – match your values, I was intrigued. The premise of the app is super simple – pick which ethical and environmental issues matter most to you and that you want to see businesses taking action on (the app has 12 pre defined ones) and get recommended businesses that match that are either close to your physical location or online. (There’s also a nifty ‘explore’ feature that lets you discover even more ethical and sustainable brands beyond where you are located). From living wage to reducing waste, when you use the app, you can be sure you’re spending with businesses that align with your values – although, every CoGo business is doing good!
Check out the 12 CoGo issues below that various businesses on the app are helping to tackle:

Whether you’re looking for a vegan bite to eat, a sustainable hairdresser or an organic t-shirt, you’ll be able to find it on CoGo. For example, a quick search when I was in Soho the other week, very pregnant and very hungry, surfaced Rosa’s Thai Cafe who pledge to reduce their waste sent to landfill, one of the issues that really matters to me. Every business on CoGo is carefully verified – below you can see how impact for ‘Reduces Waste’ is measured and how businesses are accredited

Another cool feature is that you can link your payment cards to the app (you can’t pay with your card as CoGo are not a payment site) which means when you do spend with one of the CoGo businesses, you’re also able to send a(n anonymous signal) to them and also over time, see how your spending is contributing to good.
Quick disclaimer: the app is currently only live in London but expanding quickly throughout the UK and beyond so keep reading, wherever you’re based…Here’s some of the businesses you’ll find on CoGo:

The ultimate aim of the app is to get more businesses doing good. When you join CoGo and input into the app what matters to you, they can tell businesses what issues their customers (you and me) care about most, helping them to inform changes in practice. The app also updates you when a business adopts a new way of tackling the issues you care about, so you can see the impact being made over time.
So, what you waiting for? Download the app today and have an explore – it’s certainly helping change my attitude towards shopping. Let me know how you get on in the comments below…
Emma xxx
P.S 10 Tips to Succeed at Second Hand Shopping and Come Plastic Free Food Shopping with me
*This post is sponsored by CoGo – a service that I seriously dig and am proud to partner with. Thank you in advance for checking them out and supporting them too, and I hope you love the app as much as I do…