Baby is here – hurrah! Here’s a few ideas for a slightly different type of gift for a new mama…
A home made meal – and if you’re a group of friends why not coordinate meals to make it even more helpful for new mama
Washable cloth wipes – one can never have enough wipes which double up as well, pretty much anything
Plant a tree in the new baby’s name
The most nourishing book out there for new mums
…But this is a must read have too!
Gift her a box of all her favourite eco goodies to help her feel grounded, centred and back in the flow

If she’s a breastfeeding mama, a beautiful maternity bra will make all those feeds that bit more special
A cute decoration for the baby’s room that mum will love too
Book her a beauty treatment that arrives at her front door
Offer to take any other siblings off mum and dads’ hands for an afternoon or evening
The most beautiful baby changing mat

A baby fruit tree or olive tree – watch it grow and bear fruit alongside baby (or if you have one, why not just take her a small cutting)
And if you’re really keen to get baby a new outfit, you can’t go wrong with these cutest baby harems
I do hope you like these new baby gift ideas… let me know any other ideas in the comments below.
Emma xxx
P.S Sustainable Newborn Essentials and The One Thing as a Mum of a Baby I Don’t Compromise
I like to give anything handmade whether it be a crocheted cardy, fine knitted special hat, crocheted blanket…something that has taken time and love and will hopefully be passed on to future generations!
Hi Emma, here doing some promotion for my little cameras for the older siblings who also deserve a gift and the funky musical boxes to rock baby to sleep! All handmade in the UK. Cheers! I might add, your Abe is so cute! XxxMarine @matachushop