So you work hard to use reusables at home and have gotten into a great groove but come holidays, you have to sack it all in, and give way to a mountain of plastic – and associated guilt. Or do you? Here’s a few tips to help you decide whether cloth nappies and holidaying is the one for you, or if it might be time for a cloth hiatus. Whatever you choose, zero judgement around these parts as always.
*Consider your type of accommodation and for how long you’ll be away. Camping for a weekend? Nab yourself a massive cloth nappy wet bag and take a good stash with you. Self-catering? Pop the home owner a line in advance asking them if they can accommodate your (awesome but dirty) nappies. Going to a hotel for 2 weeks? You might want to Ecosia some local laundry joints and take a visit every few days. These are all scenarios where cloth nappies would work great. Mainly, just ask! I’ve been pleasantly surprised over the years how willing and open-minded hoteliers/rental owners/mother-in-laws can be. And honest, too – if they don’t feel comfortable, they will let you know!
Mainly, just ask! I’ve been pleasantly surprised over the years how willing and open-minded hoteliers/rental owners/mother-in-laws can be
*Do not underestimate how much space reusables nappies will occupy in your suitcase. Seriously, those things are bulky (but beautiful), no matter which cloth nappy system you use and especially if your little one needs liners. So just bear in mind that if you’re wanting to pack minimally, cloth nappies might make this tricky.

*Unless you’ve got access to a washing machine, forget it. Handwashing nappies just does not cut it. I’ve been there, and several hand washes later, nothing can budge that urine smell. So if you’re on the road, perhaps it’s time to take a cloth nappy break.
Unless you’ve got access to a washing machine, forget it. Handwashing nappies just does not cut it. I’ve been there, and several hand washes later, nothing can budge that urine smell
*Don’t drive yourself crazzzzzy – using a reusable nappy on just one occasion over a disposable nappy is a win especially when we consider the mind-staggering statistic that 8 million disposable nappies are thrown away every single day in the UK. As always, mental health is the priority and remember, you’re on holiday so minimising stress is key.
*If you do manage to get away and cloth nappy during your travels, it’s super rewarding to feel so committed to the cause and you basically feel like a superhero. Kind of.

With the Summer and holidays on the horizon, I’m wondering where my fellow cloth nappy users are at with this one?
Emma xxx
P.S Cloth Nappies for Night Time and Potty Training and On Lovingly Ignoring Your Child (and Letting Them Play Independently)
Maybe you hadn’t tried this trick when washing by hand https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2Yf-Ug44Mno
But sometimes a break is also good