How Sustainable is Your Sleep Environment? / ad

“How did you sleep?”, “Did he sleep through?”, “That was the weirdest dream!”, “I need to go to sleep earlier tonight!”. If you’re anything like me, discussing sleep – or lack of – to your partner, child, parent or friend takes up a bunch of your day. Sleep is a big, big deal folks, is it not?!

Most of us are aware of the health benefits of sleep – getting enough of the magical stuff strengthens our body’s immune response (more crucial now than ever), and can lower our risk of developinghigh blood pressure, diabetes and coronary heart disease. But do we focus enough on the environmental aspect of our sleep? I’d argue that we need to pull our attention to the issue of sustainability when it comes to our sleep: just how sustainable is our bedroom environment, the sanctuary and key holder to our physical and mental health?

I’d argue that we need to pull our attention to the issue of sustainability when it comes to our sleep: just how sustainable is our bedroom environment, the sanctuary and key holder to our physical and mental health?

You see, whilst many of us might be prioritising sustainability in thekitchen and thebathroom, the bedroom is often overlooked as a space in which we should be more environmentally conscious. I’ve been working with IKEA and in this post I’m going to talk you through some small and simple, practical and affordable sustainable switches you can make in the bedroom to create an optimal sleep environment to improve your sleep quality and ensure you’re at your best the following day.


For me, darkness is absolutely crucial to getting a good night’s sleep which means black out blinds are a must – I think it’s been one of the few purchases we’ve made for our new home since moving in two years ago. I also wear an eye mask every night – whether I’m camping in a field or staying overnight somewhere, it’s an absolute essential for me and probably one of my most prized possessions! Blackout curtains are also super effective at keeping out pesky draughts – especially if you have old sash windows like we do – which in turn means the heating can stay that bit lower. These heavy duty olivecurtains, made from 154 recycled PET bottles, are a great option and look gorgeous too.


Adding layers of snug insulation in the form of blankets and socks instead of dialing up the heating is a great way to keep energy consumption low. I’ve been known to go to sleep with wooly hats on too but perhaps that is a bit extreme… Nothing beats aperfect soft blanket or throw that feels wonderfully soft next to the skin – just make sure you get one big enough to share with a partner/child/pet!


You might already know that I’m a hugefan of houseplants and our bedroom space is no exception. Plants not only boost your mood and bring a sense of serenity but some are fantastic at removing toxins and purifying the air which is key for a sounder night’s rest. Indeed, plants can super efficiently remove pollutants and improve overall indoor air quality.Golden pothos (also known as devil’s ivy) for example, with its green, heart-shaped leaves, is ideal for the bedroom because it purifies the air from harmful toxins, especially formaldehyde; meanwhile ananthurium (also known as a flamingo plant) will also add a beautiful and long lasting pop of colour.

Plants not only boost your mood and bring a sense of serenity but some are fantastic at removing toxins and purifying the air which is key for a sounder night’s rest.

Team with an affordable and practical lovely looking flower pot – this one is lined with a thin layer of plastic to make watering super simple. Finally, if you’re interested in purifying the air in your bedroom, I thought these curtains looked super interesting too – they’ve been treated with a mineral-based coating that purifies indoor air and are also made from 100% recycled polyester.


I navigate my entire day – and mood – through music, so it’s no surprise that come nighttime, as soon as I’m ready for bed, I switch on sometunes to truly unwind.Our lamp performs a dual function of creating warm bright light, perfect for reading, whilst also simultaneously being a brilliant speaker, filling the room with calm tunes or an audiobook if we’re feeling more alert, and the kids are asleep. If I’m feeling super luxurious, I’ll have a bath, brew myself a mug of herbal tea, pop on a facial oil and light a candle. In an ideal scenario, my phone will have been switched off since 6pm (check out my #6pmswitchoff over on Instagram as well as my ‘Disconnect’ Story highlight). Pretty dreamy, and sure to set me up for a good night’s sleep.

Have you made any eco-friendly changes to your bedroom recently? I truly hope this post may have sparked some ideas for you and reminded you that sustainability is all encompassing throughout your home. One update I keep meaning to make is to get some pillow and mattress protectors to extend the life of my pillow & mattresses by protecting them from stains (there are already far too many coffee stains but I want to prevent more!). Finally, do check out the IKEA Sleep Hub for some expert inspiration and tips on how to sleep better!

Emma xxx

P.S 10 Ways to Get Your Babe Sleeping Through the Night and Slow, Zero Plans Day in a Life

This post is part of a paid collaboration with IKEA. I’ve so enjoyed writing this piece and as always, your support is so appreciated in order to keep this space going.


  1. September 29, 2024 / 8:46 am

    Great and unique insights about sustainable sleeping environment!
    I would like to share a sustainable marketplace covering mainly household and self-care products. There are also some natural sleep sprays that you might be of interests.

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