Whilst the idea of a baby shower with balloons and ‘bloody vaginas’ fills me with dread, the essence of one – celebrating a mama to be and dedicating a space and time to her and her impending transformation – is really special.
I love the idea of ‘creating’ something ahead of the birth that may help in labour, being a little arty and producing something lasting and meaningful. So one afternoon this week, I grabbed a few friends, brewed some tea and laid down some newspaper so we could all get a little creative. The below are a few simple ideas we brought to life – and had so much fun in the process!
1. Positive birth affirmations
I’m someone who is deeply affected by environment so I’m keen to create a calm and inspiring space to help get me through labour. With this in mind, I thought it would be nice to put up a few small signs around reminding me of some simple techniques and affirmations that might provide me with a small boost right when needed. I have been practicing Hypnobirthing, and am aspiring for a natural birth as much as possible, and have also been loving Ina May Gaskin’s Guide to Childbirth and Birthing from Within – we took inspiration from all these to find quotations to use.
What you will need:
-Set of paints
-Watercolour paper
-Birthing books
-Brushes – ideally, with small tips so you can write words clearly
-Wax crayons – optional – use wax crayons to write your words and then use the paints to lightly wash over the wax leaving a beautiful colourful swirly background behind your words
2. Customized baby vests
Yes, we have a tonne of Jack’s old baby vests but nothing beats something home made and fully customized does it?! These vests are so easy to make, and I think will look super cute on our new arrival.

What you will need:
–Pack of baby vests (long or short sleeved – depending on the season you willl give birth) We got a £9 pack from Marks&Spencer for 7
–Acrylic paints
–Piece of cardboard / bundle of newspapers
Lay out your vest and before getting started, pop your piece of cardboard between the front and back of the vest (this is to prevent any leaks when painting on the front through to the back) Then just get designing! It was awesome to get Jack got involved in this activity too which he absolutely loved – his little handprint features on the front of one of the vests (my favourite one!) Once done, leave the vests to hang to dry for a long time…. smudges are not a good look. And remember – wash at a low temperature.

3. Word cloud

This is a fun one, and so simple. We used this word cloud programme where you simply enter a bunch of phrases in and it spits out a word cloud. This is a lovely sign, full of positive, beautiful words that I’ll put up in one of our rooms to glance at during labour.
4. Belly painting
Although in the end we didn’t get round to doing this activity, I did it last time round when pregnant with Jack and can highly recommend belly painting as one of the most fun a pregnant lady can have ! Just make sure you have wipes and a friend that can paint on hand!
If you’ve got any more ideas for a baby shower that’s perhaps a little bit different then do drop them in the comment section below – I’d love to hear them and may well just have a bit time to put some of them in action :-). Oh and cake is always a good addition to a baby shower. It’s always a good addition to anything, right 😉
Emma xx
P.S. 40 Weeks – and the Best Waiting Game in the World and How to Practice Yoga as a Mum
thanks forthe great info
Loved this post! I wish we had done a baby shower/blessing of some kind with our four. We did do belly painting with them and this time did a belly cast which was amazing to see the sheer size! LOVE this video too, I’ve done a timelapse this time around but not completed the edit yet due to lack of time! 😉 This is amazing though, never seen one like it!! xx
the belly cast idea is so great – really love that idea! and yes cant wait to see the time lapse – is it of the cast being done? so cool! yes my animation was done by a profesh – she was amazing! thanks for reading lovely <3