Every Friday I will be publishing a video over on my YouTube channel. Sometimes it will be tips based, other times it will be more just what we might have been up to recently – whether that’s a week on a remote island in Mexico or, like today’s, staying firmly at home in our pyjamas until embarrassingly late in the day (actually my favourite type in many ways). View Post
Why (& How) You Need To Start Bulk Buying Today
Shopping more ‘consciously’ (sorry for the word, it cringes me out too but it is actually the most accurate word I can find to describe it) is something I’m becoming increasingly passionate about. View Post
9 Fun Instagram Accounts
What are your favourite Instagram accounts? I admittedly follow mainly mums in various corners of the world but sometimes – just sometimes – I feel like something other than cute hands and cloth nappies (!). Here’s some of my go to accounts… View Post
Female Body Hair…What’s The Verdict?

Yes, I’m a woman but body maintenance and general self-care has never really an area I’ve been overly [read – at all] interested in. People often ask me for my beauty routine but the fact is that it essentially comes down to whatever-might-be-at-the-top-of-my-bathroom drawer on any given morning / can be applied in transit. View Post
What’s In My Fridge
I’m pretty sure I put a lot more effort into maintaining my fridge than I do the shape of my brows so I thought I’d share with you its’ contents on a random day. View Post
I Quit
I wrote this post – well, I dictated it breathlessly over an audio Whatsapp message to my sister as I was walking (sorry, make that half-walking, half-sprinting with my scarf trailing along the pavement because I remember distinctly not having the energy to pick it up) to the tube station one cold morning about six months ago. I’d just dumped the kids at nursery (bad word, bad situation) and darted off after the usual flurry of getting them dressed including a particular lowlight, even for me, which was making them brush their teeth with their fingers because I didn’t have time to find their toothbrushes. Here’s what I said that morning, so indicative of so many other mornings I’d had:
Is Your Quality Of Life Good (Enough)?
I’ve been thinking a lot recently about quality of life and seemingly insignificant factors that can really affect our happiness levels day to day. Like how long your commute is in the morning, or the layout of your kitchen, or how close your closest coffee shop is. These are all things that affect my well-being and have the power to take it up a notch or drop it down to sub ideal – just compare standing up on a packed tube for your entire journey to a gentle 15 minutes bus ride sat reading a book. View Post
On Relying On Our Parents
It starts with the actual giving birth process. Were you with a partner or with your mum, or with both? (my mum wasn’t there, in case you were wondering.) Then comes the days after and the support offered by your parents during this hazy period where I was genuinely terrified by the size of my boobs; did they come bearing dishes of cooked food, ready to put ten loads of washing on or just take the baby for 30 minutes so you could have a shower? How much did they do? How much should they do? View Post
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